
The Impact of Family Disorganisation: Restoring Harmony and Stability

By Akashdeep Sidhu
October 15, 2024
10 min read
The Impact of Family Disorganisation: Restoring Harmony and Stability

What is Family Disorganization or Divorce?

According to Mahar, the word “family breakdown” is used to describe the disruption that takes place in the links that exist within the family or the climax of this chain that culminates in a crisis for the unity of the family. This dispute may present itself in any form that is appropriate. On the other hand, this series of arguments is what most people mean when they talk of “family breakdown.” Taking into consideration this definition, it is evident that the occurrence of regular stress within the context of familial relationships does not constitute the breakdown of a family; rather, the term “family breakdown” is used to describe the situation in which there are frequent disagreements among members of the family. Marten Neumeyer defines the phrase “family breakdown” as the end of consultation and loyalty among members of the family, the breakup of long-standing links, the termination of familial consciousness, or the rise of disagreements. In other words, the term describes a situation in which the relations within the family have become strained.

Within the context of the modern world, the breakdown of a family can be caused by a wide variety of distinct contributing circumstances. When members of a family lose the knowledge and loyalty that binds them together and fosters a sense of unconstrained obligation, this is referred to as a “family breakdown.” The word “family breakdown” describes the deterioration or substantial disturbance of these qualities. For the sake of this discussion, the term “family dissolution” might be defined in a variety of ways. It is possible to arrive at the conclusion that the phrase “family breakdown” refers to the dissolution of ties between members of the family when we study the basic definitions of the term. For the organization of the family, the rupture of loyalty toward the family is just as detrimental as the tension that is forming in the relationship between the husband and the wife. The problem is more than simply the strain that is emerging in the relationship between the husband and the wife. The appearance of abrupt stress inside a family does not necessarily mean that the family is in a state of breakdown; rather, the word “family breakdown” refers to the continual issues that represent a threat to the stability of the family. In order to have a comprehensive comprehension of what it means for a family to disintegrate, it is essential to gather knowledge regarding the characteristics of the phenomena. As the nature of family breakdown, we refer to the challenging circumstance that occurs for the entire family as the nature of the problem. In situations where there is a lack of emotional connection between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, or when there is a diminishment of emotional connections between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or when there is a disappearance of the sense of responsibility in relationships such as those between brothers and sisters-in-law, this phenomenon takes place. It is exactly in circumstances such as these that the risk of a family disintegrating becomes a reality. There are a variety of feelings that can emerge within family groupings as a consequence of various types of stress and disorganization. Some of these feelings include jealousy, discord, conflict, resentment, and rebellion. It is becoming increasingly common for parents to express scorn to their daughters-in-law, for daughters-in-law to show disdain to their in-laws, and for siblings to show disrespect to their parents. since of this, many members of the family would prefer not to live together in a joint family since they do not have the same level of respect, love, or humility. This is because they do not have the same amount of these qualities. On occasion, arguments within a family may start out as relatively minor disagreements; nevertheless, over the course of time, they can rapidly escalate into much more serious conflicts. It is not uncommon for members of certain households to develop the habit of living in a condition of continual discomfort without offering any form of relief. There are instances of exceptional conditions such as this that take place in virtually every family in some form or another throughout the course of their lives. Different members of a family have a natural inclination to experience sentiments of jealousy and conflict with one another. This is a natural tendency that occurs within families. It is a famous saying in Hindu households that “where there are four vessels, they will inevitably clash.” This is one of the proverbs that is commonly repeated. The primary factor that leads to this phenomena is the presence of personal friendships among members, which is an intrinsic attribute of the group. Because of this, there will always be some level of dispute and turmoil within any family. This is something that cannot be avoided entirely. Sometimes a one-of-a-kind condition might go beyond a certain level of normalcy, reaching a point where the very existence of family organizations is put in peril. This can happen when a situation reaches a particular level of abnormality. The varied mentalities, areas of expertise, and areas of interest of individuals all contribute to the general stability of the family, provided that there is a feeling within the family to respect one another’s traditions and principles. In contrast, the process of family disintegration begins at the moment when any member of the family decides to disrespect these traditions and beliefs. This is the point when the family begins to fall apart. It is necessary to have an awareness that collapse of a family is, in a sense, the disintegration of the established interrelationships or the manifestation of friction among the numerous members of the family. This is something that must be understood. The most important elements that play a role in the breakdown of interpersonal relationships.

The following is a condensed version of the major characteristics that contribute to the breakdown of a family unit:

Women’s Rights

One of the most important contributors to the breakdown of families is the lack of respect for women’s rights. For the same reason, women are not confined to the limits of the home, where they are solely responsible for the upbringing of children and the management of the kitchen. It is only inevitable that the structure of families will be impacted by the fact that women in today’s society have achieved the same level of rights as men. The achievement of political, social, and legal rights by contemporary women has resulted in a large distance being built between them and their families and husbands. This distance has been created as a result of female empowerment. The Hindu Code Bill, which was approved by the government of India, has also resulted in changes to the connections that married women have with one another. As a consequence of these changes, Hindu women have become more contemporary. This behavior has become a substantial contributor to the breakdown of families as a consequence of this because of the consequences of this behavior.

Difference in Perspectives Between Husband and Wife

One of the most significant differences in understanding that exists between the husband and the wife In spite of the fact that it is essential for all members of a family to share the same views and points of view, in today’s world, there is a significant disparity between the perspectives that individuals hold. When it comes to the same topic, there are numerous points of view, which in turn leads to a wide range of beliefs. When examined from the point of view of Indian culture, this becomes very apparent. The wife in a typical Indian household may be more receptive to modern ideas if the husband sticks to traditional views, or vice versa. This is because wives tend to be more open to new ideas. These contrasting points of view give rise to one-of-a-kind problems, which ultimately lead to the breakdown of the family unit as a whole.

Social Change

In the modern world, social change is a significant problem that may be contributing to the breakdown of families. It is becoming increasingly common for women to earn the same amount of money as men, which presents a challenge to the traditional structure of nuclear families. It can be challenging for working women to balance their obligations at home, which may include caring for their children and providing assistance to their spouse’s family. This can be a challenge for working women. It is possible, on the other hand, for working women to start visualizing themselves as being on par with their husbands. This can lead to arguments within the structure of the family, which can finally end in the breakup of the institution

Defects of the Individual

Personal issues, such as addiction, gambling, poor company, and arriving home late, are all factors that lead to a persistent atmosphere of discontent within the household. When it comes to preserving stability, these kinds of families have a tough time doing so, which frequently leads to divorce or separation. It is especially important to keep this in mind when there is a significant age difference between the partners in a marriage or when one of the partners is afflicted with a physical condition or illness.

Rising Poverty

The worsening of the poverty situation Additionally, poverty is a crucial element that contributes to the breakdown of families. It has been seen that households in India with lesser earnings have a propensity to have higher birth rates. This is something that has been observed while looking at the situation in India. It is not uncommon for families to resort to substance abuse as a means of dodging the difficulties that are associated with poverty. This, in turn, ultimately leads to the gradual disintegration of the family unit.

Impact of Unemployment

The Consequences of Being Not Employed Because people who are unemployed frequently lose respect within their families, unemployment is a problem that a lot of people have to deal with. There is a possibility that a person who is now jobless will travel from one location to another in their search for employment, although there is no guarantee that they will be successful. It is possible that this could cause members of the family to live in separate locations from one another, which would finally result in the breakup of the institution of the family.

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution has been a significant role in the breakdown of families at various points throughout history. Prior to this revolution, families were often stable and well-organized, with members engaging in each other’s happiness and misery without any outside influence. This paradigm shift occurred before the revolution. On the other side, during the rise of industry, average people were forced to work in factories, which had a negative impact on the cohesiveness of individuals’ families. Additionally, women and children began to work and earn money, which led to the dissolution of the traditional family unit and the emergence of conventional nuclear families. This was a combination of factors.

Cultural Values

Customs and ideas that are considered to be cultural are something that are unique to each and every family and community. A significant amount of importance has been placed on showing respect to one’s parents and elders in Indian society for a lengthy amount of time. On the other hand, in the contemporary era, members of the family are increasingly looking for ways to achieve independence and personal freedom. As a result, this commonly results in disagreements that are founded on factors such as wealth, education, and social position, which ultimately contributes to the breakdown of the family unit.

New Colonies

In today’s world, people are more likely to be lured to metropolitan places than they are to rural locations. This is especially true in the case of New Colonies. In addition, metropolitan surroundings, which are defined by their lavish architecture, hotels, and entertainment attractions, have contributed to the separation of families, which has been made worse by urban environments. Due to the fact that people have a propensity to go out and socialize in places such as theaters or clubs after work, rather than returning to their houses, there is a lack of cohesive family living situations.

New Interests of the Younger Generation

The younger generation’s newly discovered passions and trends One of the factors that has contributed to the breakdown of families is the new interests and hobbies that the younger generation has developed. Young people frequently place a larger importance on their own aspirations than they do on the values of their families, which leads to the disintegration of these relationships. They do this as a result of increased exposure to romance and fashion, which is a factor that contributes to the breakdown of these relationships.


Because it has an effect on people’s capacity to accept other people, stress is a significant factor that contributes to the breakdown of families. Individuals may experience stress as a result of a wide range of conditions, such as conflicting social values, clashing natures, and other factors. However, social stress may be linked to differences in social class, challenges in the economy, and pressures in the workplace. These factors may all contribute to the development of social stress.

The stability of the family unit is compromised by a range of personal and social situations, which ultimately leads to the breakup of the family unit. Age gaps between couples, bad health, cultural differences, and undesired interference from in-laws are some of the variables that lead to this phenomena. Other considerations include cultural differences. The plethora of circumstances that are the result of industrialization are the fundamental cause of family disintegration. It is vital to bear in mind that this is the primary reason of family dissolution, despite the fact that there are a large number of elements that lead to the breakup of families.

The roles that each member of the family was required to perform in the past were predetermined, which contributed to the family’s social education and discipline. In the past, members of the family were expected to play certain roles. The members of the family, on the other hand, are now striving for more autonomy as a consequence of the growing demands for rights and independence. This has led to the dissolution of the relationships and responsibilities that are connected with the family.

Family Fragmentation

one of the most important problems of our time is the disintegration of families into smaller and smaller groups. People in this modern era frequently hold the view that the only way to achieve personal fulfillment and comfort is to violate the traditions and customs that have been established by their families. As a result, they disregard the significance of family ties as a means of achieving these goals.

The dissolution of marriage

Marriage was formerly considered a sacred bond, but in today’s society, it is sometimes given less attention than it deserves. The erosion of virtues such as patience and sacrifice is brought to light by this phenomena, despite the fact that less significant disagreements could result in the dissolution of a marriage altogether. Marriage is increasingly being viewed not as a spiritual union but rather as a business deal that is intended to secure economic stability. This is a trend that is gaining popularity among an increasing number of individuals.




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Akashdeep Sidhu

Akashdeep Sidhu

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